
Scale With Adaptable Microservice Technology

Hire Microservice Solutions for business growth.

Many businesses experience growing pains that hinder their ability to stay competitive and scale with the rest of the market. By adopting microservices development, payment integrations, legacy modernization, and other services, you're able to improve efficiency and scale your business. This includes AWS integration.

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Agile Practices for Enhanced Team Productivity

Hire Agile-ready Microservice Development Experts to improve your infrastructure.

Embrace a scalable approach to software development, Agile development, and other microservices. Our experienced developers help you accelerate innovation, help you complete your top-priority development projects, and add new features or services in less time.

Benefit from flexible, resilient architecture that allows for continuous delivery and rapid iterations. Enhance your system's reliability and performance by breaking down complex applications into manageable, independent services. With our expertise, your business can respond quickly to market changes and user demands, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.

View Agile Services

Cloud Technology & Microservice Solutions

Scale with Microservices Development & consulting.

Say goodbye to the limitations of monolithic architectures. With microservices, your applications or APIs can effortlessly handle increased demand without compromising performance. Partner with a team of experienced microservices developers when you work with us to achieve your next DevOps project. This includes the advantages of:

Independent Scaling

Scale individual services based on demand, optimizing resource usage and maintaining performance.

Enhanced Resilience

Isolate failures to specific services, preventing system-wide outages and improving overall reliability.

Faster Deployment

Deploy updates and new features rapidly without affecting the entire system, thanks to modular service structure.

View API Development Services

Enhance Business Efficiency With Micrroservices

Collaborate with our Microservice Consultants.

With a DevOps mindset, Hexxen will leverage microservices to enhance collaboration between development and operations teams across the technology spectrum ensuring smooth, continuous results and delivery. Creating technology infrastructure that supports business growth begins here, with tools designed to facilitate communication and collaboration with enterprise architecture and other cloud-based models.

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Customized DevOp Solutions & Microservices

Hire the best Microservice Development Company for aggressive expansion.

Make your technology solutions accessible from anywhere. Leverage cloud-native technologies and serverless architectures to optimize resource utilization, reduce costs, and increase scalability.

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Case Studies

See our work:

We empower clients to compete in difficult markets, gain performance insights, develop effective marketing plans, develop powerful software, and take action.

Combs Waterkotte
Combs Waterkotte

Combs Waterkotte

John Henry Foster
John Henry Foster

John Henry Foster



Hassakis & Hassakis
Hassakis & Hassakis

Hassakis & Hassakis

Unigroup Worldwide
Unigroup Worldwide

Unigroup Worldwide

Correct Capital
Correct Capital

Correct Capital

Poynter Landscape
Poynter Landscape

Poynter Landscape



See our work:

We empower clients to compete in difficult markets, gain performance insights, develop effective marketing plans, develop powerful software, and take action.

Combs Waterkotte
Combs Waterkotte

Combs Waterkotte

John Henry Foster
John Henry Foster

John Henry Foster



Hassakis & Hassakis
Hassakis & Hassakis

Hassakis & Hassakis

Unigroup Worldwide
Unigroup Worldwide

Unigroup Worldwide

Correct Capital
Correct Capital

Correct Capital

Poynter Landscape
Poynter Landscape

Poynter Landscape



Hexxen did a wonderful job and we are very pleased with their work and the end result

Our website was pushing 12 years old and our company was in desperate need for a new site development. Some of the problems we were experiencing with our old site were that a) the theme was so old and some of the plugins no longer supported that the site was being held together by band aids, and b) the sheer size of the site, which pushed over 1,300 pages (including our entire project portfolio). The old site had certainly long outlived it's intended life. We chose Hexxen through an RFP pro …


Matthew Ball


Microservices & Native Cloud Development – Hire Microservice Architects

We specialize in delivering cutting-edge microservices development solutions that empower businesses to tackle the challenges of scalability and agility head-on. By adopting microservices architecture, you can unlock a whole new level of flexibility and efficiency for your applications.

Microservice Developers | Cloud-Based and AWS Serverless Development Agency

Here’s how partnering with Hexxen can benefit you:

  • Accelerate innovation
  • Build scalable applications
  • Embrace Agile development
  • Simplify architecture with distributed systems
  • Achieve end-to-end enablement
  • Cloud-native flexibility

Contact our microservice developers today at (314) 499-8253 to learn more about Hexxen’s capabilities.

Main Microservice Features

Microservices include a range of small solutions for unique problems that fold into a larger system. This may include:

API Gateways

Unlock seamless access to your microservices with a unified entry point for quick and secure interactions, boosting user engagement and satisfaction.

Service Registries

Empower your microservices to effortlessly discover and communicate with one another, ensuring smooth and efficient operations without the hassle of hardcoding dependencies.


Supercharge your deployment process with lightning-fast deployments and unparalleled scalability across all environments.

Message Brokers

Elevate your microservices communication with advanced asynchronous messaging that ensures fast and reliable data exchanges.

Monitoring and Logging

Gain insights into your microservices ecosystem, optimize performance, detect issues early, and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Configuration Management

Streamline and centralize your microservices configuration, enabling seamless updates and ensuring consistency across deployments.

Service Mesh

Take control of your microservices network with a dedicated infrastructure layer, delivering reliability, security, and scalability.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Accelerate your time-to-market with automated CI/CD pipelines, enabling rapid iterations and flawless deployments.

Authentication and Authorization

Safeguard your microservices ecosystem with robust security measures, ensuring only authorized users access your resources.

Load Balancing

Ensure your microservices deliver exceptional performance under any workload, maximizing uptime and delivering fast response times.

Integrating APIs, service registries, and enhancing other elements of your operation can facilitate growth and streamlined management. These elements create a scalable, reliable microservices ecosystem that is able to adapt to change based on business needs and tech advancements.

Microservices in Software Development

Microservices in software development refer to an architectural approach where an application is built as a collection of small, independently deployable services, each representing a specific business function. These services are loosely coupled and communicate with each other through well-defined APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

Microservices architecture aims to break down complex applications into smaller, manageable components, allowing for easier development, deployment, and scalability. Each microservice is responsible for a single business task and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently of other services. This modular approach enables teams to work on different parts of the application concurrently, leading to faster development cycles and greater agility.

Key characteristics of microservices include:

  • Decomposition: Breaking an application into smaller, focused services based on specific business tasks.
  • Independence: Each microservice operates on its own and can be developed, deployed, and scaled separately from others.
  • Polyglotism: Using the best programming languages, frameworks, and technologies for each service.
  • Resilience: Designed to handle failures gracefully, maintaining functionality even when errors occur.
  • Scalability: Services can be scaled by adding more instances to handle increased workload.
  • Autonomy: Teams have control over their microservice’s development and deployment, leading to quicker innovation.
  • Decentralized Data Management: Each microservice manages its own data with the best-suited database or storage solution.

Overall, microservices offer flexibility, scalability, and agility, making them a popular choice for building modern, distributed software systems.

Top Benefits of Microservices

Beyond security, flexibility, and efficient operation, there are a number of benefits for microservices:


Microservices foster an organization of small, independent teams that take ownership of their services. Teams act within a small and well-understood context, empowering them to work more independently and quickly, shortening development cycle times and benefiting significantly from the aggregate throughput of the organization.

Flexible Scaling

Microservices allow each service to be independently scaled to meet demand for the application feature it supports. This enables teams to right-size infrastructure needs, accurately measure the cost of a feature, and maintain availability if a service experiences a spike in demand.

Easy Deployment

Microservices enable continuous integration and continuous delivery, making it easy to try out new ideas and roll back if something doesn’t work. The low cost of failure enables experimentation, facilitates code updates, and accelerates time-to-market for new features.

Technological Freedom

Microservices architectures don’t follow a “one size fits all” approach. Teams have the freedom to choose the best tool to solve their specific problems, allowing them to select the most suitable technology for each task.

Reusable Code

Dividing software into small, well-defined modules enables teams to use functions for multiple purposes. A service written for a certain function can be used as a building block for another feature, promoting code reuse and accelerating development.


Service independence increases an application’s resistance to failure. In a monolithic architecture, a single component failure can cause the entire application to fail. With microservices, applications handle total service failure by degrading functionality and not crashing the entire application.

What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices architecture is a way to approach software development. Organizations may want to build an all-in-one software solution to their entire system–this comes with risk. If one gear falls out of line, others will follow. Microservices are versatile, micro-level applications that are targeted to a certain solution and function.

It’s important that these smaller (yet important) software solutions align and talk to one another. These are often called “webhooks” like when an ecommerce store communicates with inventory management–small pieces of software architecture that are adaptable, versatile, and can be customized to your needs.

Microservices Development Support from a Team You Can Trust

With microservices development, you can leverage distributed systems to simplify maintenance and updates. Each service can be developed, tested, and deployed independently, minimizing the risk of introducing errors or disruptions to the entire application. This decoupling also enables your development and operations teams to work in parallel, embracing a DevOps mindset and fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous delivery.

We specialize in cloud-native and serverless development, leveraging the power of cloud technologies to optimize resource utilization and reduce costs. By adopting cloud-native architectures, your microservices-based applications can take full advantage of elastic scalability, auto-scaling capabilities, and pay-as-you-go models. Additionally, serverless computing allows you to focus on business logic while offloading infrastructure management to the cloud provider, further enhancing scalability and cost-effectiveness.

Amazon Route 53 | DNS Services

Amazon Route 53 is a scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) web service. It is designed to route end-user requests to the appropriate application resources and can be used to perform health checks on those resources.

  • DNS Management: Provides reliable and cost-effective domain name registration and routing.
  • Health Checks: Continuously monitors the health of your web applications and automatically routes traffic away from unhealthy instances.
  • Global Traffic Management: Supports routing policies like latency-based routing, geolocation routing, and weighted routing to optimize traffic distribution.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with other AWS services like ELB, S3, and CloudFront, providing a complete solution for domain management and traffic routing.

The important take-away here is to consider your operational efficiency and to see what’s out there. AWS provides a number of tools that can work into your tech stack.

Ready to Scale Your DevOps Agency Services with Confidence?

Contact Hexxen today to eliminate the growing pains of your applications and unlock the potential of microservices development. Our team of experts is eager to discuss your specific needs and design a scalable and agile solution tailored to your business objectives.

Partnering with Hexxen for your microservices development needs offers numerous value-added benefits. In addition to our expertise in building scalable and agile applications, we provide:

  • Technical Excellence: Our team of skilled developers stays up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in microservices development, ensuring that you receive cutting-edge solutions.
  • Seamless Integration: We seamlessly integrate microservices into your existing architecture, ensuring compatibility and smooth migration without disrupting your current operations.
  • Cost Efficiency: With our cloud-native and serverless expertise, we optimize resource utilization and help you achieve cost savings by eliminating unnecessary infrastructure overhead.
  • Flexible Partnership: We believe in building long-lasting partnerships with our clients. By choosing Hexxen, you gain a trusted partner who will support your growth and help you navigate future challenges.

Unlock the Full Potential of Microservices Development

Let us help you scale your applications and drive innovation in your business. By breaking down monolithic applications into smaller, manageable services, we enable your teams to work more independently and efficiently, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Call Hexxen today at (314) 499-8253 and let’s get your company where it deserves to be–in front of the customers you want with sleek microservices that improve internal operations.

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