
Project Management That Boosts ROI

A Scrum Team Management Company to help move your business forward.

Scrum is a powerful agile framework that enhances transparency, fosters collaboration, and provides a structured approach to managing web development projects. By adopting Scrum, teams can deliver high-quality web application products efficiently and respond swiftly to changing requirements, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. Hexxen's expertise in Scrum team management helps businesses achieve their strategic goals through streamlined processes and continuous improvement.

Hexxen can direct your scrum project team management in development, software, or any digital application. Use your own development team or our in-house experts to get the project done right and on time.

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Scrum Team Management to Keep Your Agile Projects on Track

Benefits of outsourcing Scrum Team Management Services for your business.

By partnering with Hexxen for Scrum team management, businesses can achieve greater efficiency while reducing costs and enhancing focus on core activities:

Enhanced Flexibility and Adaptability

Scrum enables teams to respond quickly to changes and new requirements, ensuring projects remain aligned with business goals. This iterative approach allows for constant improvement and refinement, leading to better outcomes.

Improved Product Quality

With regular testing and feedback loops, Scrum ensures that issues are identified and addressed promptly, resulting in higher quality deliverables.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Continuous delivery of valuable features keeps customers engaged and satisfied, as their needs are consistently met and exceeded.

Better Team Collaboration

Scrum promotes cross-functional teamwork, fostering a collaborative environment where all team members contribute to the project's success.

Faster Time to Market

By breaking down projects into manageable sprints, Scrum accelerates development cycles, enabling faster delivery of products to market.

Access to Expertise

Outsourcing Scrum management to Hexxen provides access to experienced Scrum Masters and Agile coaches, ensuring that your projects are guided by industry professionals.

Resource Flexibility

Hexxen offers the flexibility to use either their in-house developers or integrate seamlessly with your existing team, ensuring the best fit for your project needs.

Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing reduces overhead costs associated with hiring and training internal Scrum managers, allowing you to focus on core business activities and optimize your budget.

Enhanced Focus

Hexxen handles the complexities of Scrum management, enabling your team to concentrate on development and innovation, driving overall business growth.

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Effective Agile Project Management Using Scrum Framework

Hexxen’s approach to Scrum Team Management.

We leverage the Scrum framework to manage projects efficiently and transparently. Our approach includes:

Structured Processes

We follow Scrum principles, ensuring regular communication, collaboration, and incremental progress through sprints, daily standups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. This structured process enhances transparency and keeps all stakeholders informed.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Hexxen adapts to the unique needs of each project, whether working with client-provided developers or our in-house team. This flexibility allows us to integrate seamlessly into existing workflows and leverage the strengths of both internal and external teams.

Client Collaboration

We emphasize continuous client involvement throughout the project lifecycle. This ensures that client feedback is incorporated in real-time, resulting in a product that meets their exact needs and expectations.

Tools and Techniques

We utilize advanced project management tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana for task tracking and collaboration, ensuring that all team members are aligned and project goals are met efficiently for your native or progressive web applications.

By combining our expertise in Scrum with a flexible and client-centric approach, Hexxen delivers high-quality digital applications tailored to your specific requirements.

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Case Studies

See our work:

We empower clients to compete in difficult markets, gain performance insights, develop effective marketing plans, develop powerful software, and take action.

Combs Waterkotte
Combs Waterkotte

Combs Waterkotte

John Henry Foster
John Henry Foster

John Henry Foster



Hassakis & Hassakis
Hassakis & Hassakis

Hassakis & Hassakis

Unigroup Worldwide
Unigroup Worldwide

Unigroup Worldwide

Correct Capital
Correct Capital

Correct Capital

Poynter Landscape
Poynter Landscape

Poynter Landscape



See our work:

We empower clients to compete in difficult markets, gain performance insights, develop effective marketing plans, develop powerful software, and take action.

Combs Waterkotte
Combs Waterkotte

Combs Waterkotte

John Henry Foster
John Henry Foster

John Henry Foster



Hassakis & Hassakis
Hassakis & Hassakis

Hassakis & Hassakis

Unigroup Worldwide
Unigroup Worldwide

Unigroup Worldwide

Correct Capital
Correct Capital

Correct Capital

Poynter Landscape
Poynter Landscape

Poynter Landscape



Scrum Team Management Company – Project Management Services

Scrum team management is a structured approach to project management within the Agile framework, specifically designed to enhance collaboration, transparency, and efficiency in development projects.

Key Components of Project Management With Scrum Methodology

Scrum Roles

Product Owner

Represents the stakeholders and the voice of the customer. Responsible for the product backlog and maximizing the value of the product. They ensure that the team works on the highest-priority tasks and that stakeholder needs are met.

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master acts as a facilitator and coach for the team, ensuring that Scrum practices are followed. They help remove any obstacles that impede the team’s progress and work to improve processes.

First Accordion

The Development Team is composed of professionals with various skills required to deliver the product increment. This team is self-organizing and cross-functional, meaning they have all the skills necessary to create the product without depending on others outside the team.

Scrum Events


A time-boxed period (usually 2-4 weeks) during which the team works to complete a set of tasks from the Sprint Backlog.

Sprint Planning

A meeting held at the beginning of each Sprint where the team selects items from the Product Backlog to work on and defines a plan for achieving the Sprint Goal.

Daily Scrum

A short, daily meeting where team members discuss what they worked on the previous day, what they plan to work on today, and any impediments they are facing.

Sprint Review

A meeting held at the end of each Sprint where the team demonstrates the work completed during the Sprint to stakeholders and discusses any feedback.

Sprint Retrospective

A meeting held after the Sprint Review where the team reflects on the Sprint and identifies areas for improvement.

Scrum Artifacts

Product Backlog

A dynamic list of all the work needed to complete the project. The Product Owner prioritizes the items in the backlog based on stakeholder feedback and business value.

Sprint Backlog

A list of tasks to be completed during a Sprint, selected from the Product Backlog. The Development Team commits to delivering these tasks within the Sprint.


The sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint and all previous Sprints. The Increment must be in a usable state and meet the Definition of Done.

Best Practices for Managing Scrum Teams

Clear Communication

Ensure that there is open and transparent communication within the team and with stakeholders. Use tools like Slack, Jira, or Trello to keep everyone on the same page.

Regular Feedback

Actively seek and incorporate feedback from stakeholders and team members to continuously improve the product and processes.


Empower the Development Team to make decisions and take ownership of their work. This fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability.

Focus on Value

Always prioritize tasks that deliver the highest value to the customer. Use techniques like MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) to prioritize backlog items.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly reflect on the team’s performance and processes. Use the insights from Sprint Retrospectives to make incremental improvements.


Be prepared to adapt plans and processes as the project evolves. Agile is all about being flexible and responsive to change.

Maintain a Well-Managed Product Backlog

The Product Backlog should be regularly updated and prioritized to reflect the project’s evolving needs and stakeholder feedback.

Adapt to Changes

Be flexible and willing to adapt to new requirements or changes in priorities. The ability to pivot quickly is a key strength of Scrum.

Continuous Integration and Delivery

Implement continuous integration and delivery practices to ensure frequent, reliable releases and quicker feedback loops. This helps maintain high product quality and reduces deployment risks.

The system is designed to foster a sense of and accountability among developers and to empower them to make critical decisions that drive overall project success. We specialize in formulating custom scrum team management solutions that cater to your business needs.

Agile Project Management Services Offered by Hexxen

Scrum Team Management | Project Management | Agile Methodology | Scrum Team Management Company

Agile Coaching and Training

Hexxen offers comprehensive Agile coaching and training services to help teams transition smoothly to Agile methodologies. Our experienced coaches provide hands-on guidance and support, ensuring your team understands and effectively implements Agile principles and practices. We tailor our training programs to meet the specific needs of your organization, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.

Scrum Implementation

Our experts specialize in setting up and managing Scrum teams, ensuring they operate efficiently and effectively. We help define clear roles and responsibilities, establish structured processes, and facilitate essential Scrum events like sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. Hexxen ensures your Scrum teams are well-equipped to deliver high-quality products on time.

Project Planning and Roadmapping

Hexxen’s project planning and roadmapping services involve creating detailed project plans that outline goals, timelines, and deliverables. We work closely with stakeholders to develop a strategic roadmap that aligns with your business objectives. Our approach ensures that all team members understand the project’s direction and milestones, promoting coordinated and focused efforts.

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

We implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices to automate the build and deployment process. This approach allows for frequent, reliable releases, reducing the time between development and production. Hexxen’s CI/CD services ensure that your software is always in a releasable state, enhancing the overall quality and reliability of your product.

Performance Tracking and Reporting

Hexxen offers robust performance tracking and reporting services to monitor progress and provide actionable insights. We utilize advanced project management tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and generate detailed reports. These reports help identify areas for improvement, track the project’s health, and ensure that it stays on track to meet its goals.

By leveraging Hexxen’s Agile project management services, your organization can enhance productivity, improve product quality, and achieve greater business agility. Our tailored solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of your projects, ensuring successful outcomes and satisfied stakeholders.

Call Hexxen today at (314) 499-8253 and let’s get your team where it needs to be to get the job done and exceed ROI.

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